Boston Strong

By Whitney Ferguson

Boston strong: a phrase that now scrolls across bus banners, indelibly marks local buildings and fuels political speeches has united and comforted us in the last week. Bostonians are the original rebels – descendants, whether in ancestry or spirit, of those who left England for the sake of individualism and freedom; rebels who formed the city on a hill that would cement the American paradox – a nation of individuals rooted in strong communities.

In the aftermath of the Marathon bombings, Bostonians were reminded that our pride and collective character are not unique to the region, but to our nation. Over the past weeks, our self-sufficient spirit has been fortified by the nation’s support and expressions of our ties to what is, in fact, not just our town.

As President Obama remarked at the memorial service, “After all, it’s our beloved city, too. Boston may be your hometown, but we claim it, too. It’s one of America’s iconic cities. It’s one of the world’s great cities. And one of the reasons the world knows Boston so well is that Boston opens its heart to the world.”

This sentiment resounded at Castle when our former colleague, Jessica Ciccone, contributed an article to the St. Louis Dispatch, which is posted here. Jess was, and remains, an incredible mentor and role model. While at Castle she consistently encouraged each of us to get involved with local organizations in an effort to give back to Boston. This is what makes Jess not only a great communications professional, but a great friend. I was comforted by her article and hope that you find some solace and insight in it as well.

Written By: Whitney Ferguson


Outdoors of the Castle Group office